Tuesday, July 9, 2013


This marks the beginning of the blog that I have created to keep everyone posted on my weekly doings while I am abroad in Namibia working on my dissertation research at the Cheetah Conservation Fund. I still have 10 days before I leave, but I will be abroad for 2 months, and much is left to get in order before I'm ready. Though the official language in Namibia is English, there is a very large population that speaks Afrikaans, so I have been working on some vocabulary and phrases in preparation. "Jagluiperd" is the Afrikaans word for "cheetah", so I found it to be an appropriate name for this blog. I will try to keep my posts weekly, and somewhat interesting, but I make no promises as I will be working in the genetics lab for the majority of my trip: extracting DNA, running PCR and sequencing reactions, which isn't really very exciting to talk about. Let's hope I also get to have some fun animal experiences while I am there to spice up this blog a bit!

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