Thursday, July 18, 2013

Preparing for Departure

I'm taking the day off from work/school today to run all of my last minute errands and pack my bags. I leave for Namibia tomorrow morning from New York! My friend Marie is going to drive me up there and then she's headed to Albany to see her partner, so that worked out well. I'm a little concerned because she seems to be coming down with a cold, but lets hope she's feeling ok for the trip. I think she was going to see the doctor this morning *fingers crossed*. Luckily, when I return I fly into Dulles, so no long drive involved.

Last time I went to Namibia for 3 weeks or so, I forgot to pack my eyeglasses (or spare contact lenses). For the first few nights, I took my contacts out at bedtime and just hoped that I didn't rip one or there was no reason I needed to see in the middle of the night. But then, with all of the sand that you couldn't ever seem to get 100% off of you out in the Namib desert (and grit = more likely to tear a lense), I made the decision to leave my contacts in permanently, even for sleeping. I would douse my eyes in solution every morning. Eventually my contacts became one with my eyes. When I returned to the US and took my contacts out for the first time, my eyes wanted to scream and die. Then I was in glasses for a couple days as my eyes recovered. Needless-to-say, I will not be making this mistake again. I need to go pick up my brand new pair of glasses today from Lenscrafters (round 2 - long story...), so this way, if my GPC (giant papillary conjuntivitis from last summer) comes back again, I can go sans contacts if needed. I also have new daily contact lenses, so I don't have to worry about putting an old, gritty pair back in: a new pair every day!

Yesterday, I taught myself how to lock my laptop to a desk. It was in the intern/volunteer manual to have one, so I got one. I might need to go buy pants today. I've gained some weight this summer and my pants aren't fitting so good... whoops! Here's hoping that I can lose a little weight in Africa this time considering I will not be eating fast food or dining out. I am looking forward to eating some game meat while I'm there. Mmmm oryx steak!

Time to get busy.

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